
Jul 23 - 24 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Alternatives to Suicide: Dialogue and Systems Change (In-Person)

The training will prepare participants to use and advocate for the “Alternatives to Suicide” approach, a human rights-centered alternative to coercive or pathologizing models. “Alternatives to Suicide” was first developed by the Wildflower Alliance ( in 2008 and now is used across several states in this country, as well as in Canada and Australia.

The Alternatives to Suicide approach is discussed in more depth in this Community Psychology journal article: This training discusses many common misconceptions about how to support people who are suicidal, as well as a specific framework for how to offer effective support (Validation-Curiosity-Vulnerability-Community). An in depth discussion of the role of power (and most notably, loss of power) is explored, including as it relates to systemic oppression.

This training includes a number of interactive exercises, including a mix of small group and brain role-plays. Other exercises included are intended to support people to thoroughly examine the role of loss of power and how to refine advocacy techniques in system environments.